The Talents Within

3 min readNov 8, 2021

You are not what you think you are!

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Most often, you believe that you are what someone else says. You see yourself with their eyes and their insights. But is it so in actuality? Remember the last time your neighbor told: “Hey, you look fat in this dress.”, or your boss told, “Your performance is really low, we cannot give you an appraisal this time”. As humans, we all tend to mug up these things that others say about us, and we start worrying. But what percent of what’s being said by others about us is actually true?

What’s behind the screen?

The biggest flaw of a human being is that their eyes catch hold of the weakness first of others before they find theirs. Maybe more than half the population today is more interested in spreading out the rumors about others, pointing out their negatives, and destroying their reputation and confidence by all means. This could be to level up their position by pushing down the rest or could be a nature of ‘sadism’ where they cannot see people, happy. Either way, straightforward people are more likely to fall for these and get heartbroken, as soon as they hear discouraging comments from others.

How to overcome the situation?

It’s a fact that when someone seriously says something about you, you are more prone to trust them and believe what they are saying. No harm in hearing them, but take a moment back at home, at your comfort zone to peacefully analyze what’s being said is true or not? Has the person been genuine to you all these years, or is he/ she trying to build a special connection with you recently? In the office, if someone says you are not performing well, get them to show the metrics report rather than blindly commenting about your performance. If you know you had done well, there is no need to back out.

In a nutshell

Confidence and courage to live and to succeed are not something a newborn possesses. It grows within us gradually, as we live our lives, go through hardships, struggle to achieve our aims in life. But many a time, it happens that we don’t know what lies within us, we don’t know our strengths, we don’t know how far we can go till we collapse.

People around us know our weaknesses better than us, and there lies the problem too. At least if we know how weak we are in something, and we are ready to work on it, maybe others wouldn’t get a chance to break us down. Lift your chin up, feel confident, look into their eyes who is coming to degrade you, and give a smile filled with confidence, even if there is no earth under your feet. Let this be the first step to your success against those who talk behind your back, or the ones who mock you all the time, in a way you will never be able to differentiate.

“All know the way, but very few actually walk it” -Buddha

Quoting Buddha’s wonderful message here to indicate that let us be the ones who actually walk the way, and know our talents better than others, that they never get a chance to devalue us.




Writer| Canva Illustrator|Poet|Comic Poster maker|Tea lover|Observer of life|