Stones to monuments

4 min readAug 6, 2021
Photo by John Bakator on Unsplash

Well, when I thought about this topic today, I really did not know where to start. I thought about its meaning, we may have to dig so deep. It’s such a vast topic that cannot be covered in a 500 words article. However, I believe in passing on the message irrespective of the time and situation. Words if relevant, needs to be said and spread. As the title says, words could be stones, what you say or try to convey to the world, at times. Who knows!

We are all living in an unpredictable and superstitious world. We take into account a lot of things coming to us. Whatever said by anyone. Be it stones or roses, our brain hears and processes it in a fraction of a second. The outcome will be coming to our own conclusions about what’s been said than thinking from the other person’s point or perspective. Hence the concept, stones to monuments.

We cannot take up all the blame because our brain started taking it in the way it wanted. In fact, the world around us has become such a horrible place to live, most of the time, that no matter how hard we try, the message people convey to each other is not heard or processed in the right way, ever. People often throw stones at us, it’s said that words are like swords and nothing is as sharp as a harsh word, said at the wrong time to a person, that might tear him/ her into pieces. The pace is faster than a beam of light.

No matter how much you try, you yourself will become the victim of hurting others with your own words or vice versa. So how can you avoid this to an extent and make your life a better place to live, without any unexpected word attacks?

  1. You can be your own guardian angel

yes! At times in life, if no one is there to your rescue, you should be your own guardian angel. It’s indeed a very important aspect of life, to give and take respect. When you think 100 times not to hurt other’s feelings, it’s equally important to take care of your soul. The more wounded your soul is, the more time is consumed in healing it. The aura that surrounds us, that shines beyond our visibility is our identity. It covers both our body and soul. So the health of our soul is to be given utmost emphasis as much as we take care of our body.

The best way to respond in case you have to deal with unexpected or even expected hurting scenarios from others is to stay calm and silent. Some people you know for years, or they know you well, either way, might burst their feelings at you, the anger, the grudge and in a minute you will feel the whole world turning upside down. In that one minute you feel, what’s happening? You end up cursing yourself, you fight, you blame upon yourself, you say sorry to get them back. It does not work that way. Let them free, let them come out of the phase of anger they are going through. ‘Always write emails and make decisions, when you are in a happy mood’. Otherwise, you mess up!

2. Leave it as is

As many Philosophers and Psychologists say, don’t be stubborn to have full control of your life. Don’t be too adamant that everything should happen in the way we want to. Sometimes we need to let go of our feelings, thoughts, and instincts. Everything we do, say or, feel need not be correct all the time. If you feel something is going wrong, leave it as it is. Either it will shake you for a while and bring you back to the best version of yourself or it will stay with you for a long time, disturbing you, until you heal yourself. Be it the words or deeds, from people or circumstances, give it time. At some point in your life, you will find out that you have overcome it by healing your soul.

3. Thoughts and action

Your thoughts are directly connected to your actions. The moment you think, you act, your brain is designed in such a way, at least for many normal people including me. Years of meditation and mindfulness are necessary to ease this situation. I often listen to Sadguru, the way he preaches and tries to teach people, how important is to have control over our thoughts before we do some action. It’s very important to make it a habit to respond to anything in the world, for that matter, with a calm and peaceful mind. Think, analyze, think again and act. This will help the fire burning inside you, cool into ashes.

4. Self-worth

There is something called self-worth in life which we often forget, but need to stick to. No matter how bad our thoughts are, it should be us who should be working on, to make it good. You should never let a person tell you, “hey, I don’t like the way you are”. Even if they warn you this, it should be for yourself, the change be. Let us change for ourselves. If we are good and become better each day, our shining aura will light others too. No one can fix us better. Because people throw stones at us, we are the ones who should decide to get hit hard or to make monuments out of it.




Writer| Canva Illustrator|Poet|Comic Poster maker|Tea lover|Observer of life|